The Greater San Antonio Chamber supports the following amendments to the state constitution

Hear community leaders discuss propositions for 财产 Tax Relief (Proposition 4), 德克萨斯大学基金的设立(第5号提案), 设立德克萨斯州新供水基金(提案6), 及创新宽频基建基金(提案8).


Greater San Antonio Chamber supports the following amendments to the State Constitution


为第88届州立法会议做准备, 大cq9跳高高试玩版通过我们的理事会和委员会收集了会员对问题的投入,并制定了一项全面的立法议程,以指导我们在整个立法会议期间的工作.






圣安东尼奥一直是美国历史上的维修中心, 修复, and overhaul operations and is now the geographic center of a growing and innovative private sector space industry. The Chamber supports legislation that fosters investment in long-term aviation and aerospace infrastructure, 包括:

  • 支持减少销售的努力, 财产, and Inventory tax burdens to support capital and personnel intensive industries in Texas
  • Support legislation that will encourage the establishment and growth of the Urban Air/ Advanced Air Mobility Industry, 以及《cq9跳高高试玩版》中采纳的需求
  • Support extending the work of the Urban Air Mobility Advisory Committee established under TxDOT via SB763 from 2021.


Access to broadband supports economic opportunities and strengthens the business community. 美国商会支持为消除宽带接入障碍而进行的金融投资, 并解决当地社区的数字鸿沟. 分庭支持以下努力:

  • Find and create a long-term funding solution to broadband infrastructure in the State of Texas
  • Encourage Public-Private Partnerships between broadband providers and local organizations for the best in construction, 服务, 升级, 和安全(公私伙伴关系)更为实际, 可行的, 和比政府拥有的网络更经济的解决方案)
  • Encourage utilization of Federally funded affordability programs in areas where cost concerns are high
  • Support for Digital literacy and online safety programming for communities and urban areas


 圣安东尼奥是美国第二大网络中心. 商会支持加强网络安全行业的立法, 政府, 以及德州的社区合作伙伴.

  • 支持增加对课后网络安全项目的援助. This includes categorizing programs as official competitive sponsored activities with full funding and teaching
  • 通过增加对中小型企业的网络安全培训和网络安全采用的资金,支持加强德克萨斯州小企业的网络弹性
  • 支持简化的隐私法规要求(报告), ),适用于处理敏感客户数据的德州企业.


州和地方的激励措施推动经济发展,有助于确保创造就业机会和资本投资,这对德克萨斯州的经济增长至关重要,并有助于确保德克萨斯州保持全球竞争力. The Chamber supports efforts to strengthen our region’s growth and ability to thrive in a competitive national and international market.

  • Support the development of a state-level business recruitment incentive to attract businesses to move to Texas, 创造大量新的就业机会.
  • 支持扩大地方经济激励措施,并为县政府和市政府提供更大的灵活性,使这些协议适应地方需要
  • Support the update of the Texas moving image industry incentives program (HB 2417, 2021)


Connecting businesses with education to build local talent is more necessary than ever before. 商会支持企业界与合作伙伴在教育和劳动力发展方面的合作,以帮助推动地区经济的成功.


  • 资金
    • 努力建立一个可持续和公平的学校财政体系,包括反映全国每个学生平均支出的基本拨款,并包括通货膨胀调整
  • 老师工作
    • 加强教师发展计划,并倡导消除阻碍教师候选人进入该行业的州障碍
    • Support workforce We would like multiple employee groups to be included in any retention conversations.
    • 投资于教师和辅助人员的招聘策略, 包括但不限于:奖学金, 贷款宽恕, 以及“教师部队”.”
  • 职业与技术教育
    • 支持扩大职业的立法和拨款, technology and skilled trade programs in Texas public schools focused on high-need jobs with high tech and relevant machinery/equipment, 课程, and hands-on toolkits for classrooms and expanded student career readiness choices


  • Increased investments in general academic higher education institutions to include: new and existing non-formula funding exceptional items; and universal higher education programs like: Formula 资金; the Texas Research Incentive Program (TRIP); Hazelwood program supporting military-affiliated students and their dependents; Texas Grant program for low- income and first generation students; and if addressed during the 88th Session, 支持基本建设援助计划(CCAP),这对所有有老化建筑和重大延期维修的公立大学至关重要.
  • Increased investments in community colleges that should be tied to: outcomes balanced with the true cost of education; incentivizing partnerships with industry to accelerate programs driven by employer demand, 增加所有学生获得和使用国家财政援助的机会, 并鼓励完成有价值的证书.


  • Support policies that protect and increase Texas’s investments in UT Health San Antonio, 我们的综合学术健康中心. UT健康圣安东尼奥在研究和重组工作培训和教育方面发挥着至关重要的作用,通过教育更多的医疗工作者来满足圣安东尼奥和南德克萨斯边境地区日益增长的需求,以解决我们日益增长的医疗劳动力短缺问题.


  • 我们鼓励立法机关集中国家的资源,使德州人能够追求经济事业,我们要求立法机关维持, 如果没有扩展, opportunities for our community members to access workforce training for upskilling to high-need jobs.

照顾孩子 & 幼儿教育

  • The Texas economy is better off when parents have access to high-quality child Lack of affordable, quality child care options is holding back our economy and the full engagement of our workforce. The Chamber supports efforts by the Legislature to build a robust child care industry for our state. The Chamber also encourages the Legislature to consider the creation of incentives, 比如税收抵免, 帮助雇主扩大为员工提供的儿童保育支持.

能源 & 可持续性

Our state’s rich natural resources and attractive business climate have contributed to Texas prosperity, 我们希望它能继续下去. 商会支持立法以保留市政公用事业(MOU)商业模式,并建议以适当平衡相关成本与客户利益和负担能力的方式提高电力和天然气系统的可靠性和弹性. 分庭支持:

  • Directing available state and federal funds to Texans in need of assistance with their utility 比尔s
  • 商会反对最后期限, 比如无法实现的净零排放目标, 也没有数据支持来证明其有效性
  • availability of low carbon incentives for business investments in environmentally friendly technologies or products
  • Opposes any efforts that would erode CPS Energy’s ability to directly serve the needs of our San Antonio community

医疗保健 & 生物科学

The healthcare and bioscience industry is an economic generator for the San Antonio community. The Chamber supports financial investment in the industry to support entrepreneurial development and grow the economy.

  • 支持使用可用的州资金来匹配联邦资金要求,以维持和增加医师研究生医学教育(GME)住院医师职位, 让我们能把医学院的毕业生留在德州, 并继续为解决其他卫生保健人力短缺问题提供资金, 包括护理和其他卫生专业
  • Supports polices and legislation that address the documented health disparities in morbidity and mortality, particularly among racial/ethnic minority groups and those of lower socioeconomic status; and that increase access to healthcare including preventing and primary care 服务s
  • Support continued authorized provider claims for full reimbursement for telephonic, 远程医疗, 远程医疗服务
  • Support creating a Brain Research Institute of Texas based on the Cancer Prevention & (CPRIT)模式,其使命是在全州范围内创建和扩展生命科学基础设施,加快研究创新,增强预防和治疗方面的突破潜力
  • Support increased funding for mental health programs and expanding 服务 availability and outreach across communities
  • Support full drawdown of federal funds available for extending health insurance coverage for Texas families


德克萨斯州有15个军事设施.S. 陆军期货司令部. 被称为美国军事城市™, 圣安东尼奥有684人,000名军事人员和266个任务伙伴. 军事行动对德州经济的影响超过1200亿美元. 商会支持对德克萨斯州军事任务的成功和军人及其家属的生活质量产生积极影响的立法和政策, 包括:

  • 支持增加国防经济调整援助补助金(DEAGG)资金
  • 支持国家承认布利斯营哨兵景观
  • Support incentivizing the hiring of veterans into key industries that support both national security and economic development

旅游 & 热情好客

圣安东尼奥是滨河步道的所在地, 阿拉莫之战, 许多家庭娱乐景点, 德州唯一的联合国教科文组织世界遗产, and is the second city in the United States to receive the UNESCO Creative City of Gastronomy designation. 商会支持支持我市和州的经济福祉的立法和政策,以及旅游业和酒店业为我市提供的许多经济利益.

  • 支持酒店占用税(HOT资金)的征收和使用
  • 支持继续为阿拉莫总体规划工作划拨资金
  • 支持德州经济发展和旅游办公室的继续运作


圣安东尼奥市的人口预计将增长1亿多.未来20年将有200万人(40%)失业, 对城市已经不堪重负的交通网络提出了极大的要求. 商会支持任何政策, 比尔, 拨款, 或增加专用交通收入的乘客, 包括支持:

  • 液体燃料在交通运输中的持续使用
  • 所有为道路和高速公路的建造和维护作出贡献的车辆
  • 继续为提案1(2035财年)和提案7(2032财年)提供资金并延长日落日期,以便资金来源可以纳入TxDOT和MPO的十年计划
  • Continued policy of non-diversion of revenue from the State Highway Fund to non-transportation programs

San Antonio has the largest aquifer storage and recovery system in the country and some of the nation’s best water conservation programs, 用水量和20年前一样多. 商会支持保护城市水基础设施的项目和提高该地区水弹性的政策,包括:

  • 在地表水地区的法律和条例中进行适当的制衡,为发展和管理供水项目提供可持续和公平的框架
  • 要求德克萨斯州环境质量委员会获得或开发瓜达卢佩-圣安东尼奥河流域的最新水资源可用性模型
  • Legislation that provides for funding or other mechanisms that facilitate multigenerational preservation, 保护, 以及透过保育措施改善爱德华含水层, 包括获得保护地役权和位于爱德华兹含水层补给区和贡献区的土地管理实践
  • 支持正在进行的节约用水工作, 如提高用水效率,减少水分流失